Julia has an engineer degree in biotechnology. She has graduated from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2019. During her first degree  she carried out my researches at the Department of Molecular and Translational Oncology at Marie Sklodowska-Curie Institute – Oncology Center, where she has fulfilled her engineering thesis “Effect of mTOR kinase inhibitors on selected genes expression in the clear cell renal carcinoma cell lines”. Currently, she is a master student at the University of Stavanger, where she has started studying Biological Chemistry with specialization in molecular biology. At the Laboratory of RNA Biology she is going to generate the stable cell line, which will enable investigation of DIS3 mutation that frequently occurs in Multiple Myeloma.  Among Julia's research interests are: cell and cancer biology, molecular biology, immunology. Her hobby, beside doing researches, are hiking and travelling whenever she has some free time.