30 Oct, 2023

17 Oct, 2023

30 Sep, 2023
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw
The MOSaIC project has been awarded and implemented at International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (IIMCB).
IIMCB is one of the most modern country’s research institutes and the top-ranked (A+) Polish research institute in biology. The institute provides cutting-edge equipment and facilities, in particular for bioinformatics, experimental molecular biology, and structural biology. IIMCB also provides support for science commercialization and development of spin-off companies.
The main goals of IIMCB are: to carry out high-quality research in molecular biomedicine, to create the best possible conditions for ambitious, motivated group leaders and their staff, to implement modern biotechnology, as well as to teach and popularize molecular biology and medicine.
More about IIMCB at www.iimcb.gov.pl