The implementation of MOSaIC involves high-level coordination and management. The key project personnel - Project Coordinator, Project Manager and WP Leaders form the Project Committee. They meet quarterly to monitor work progress, discuss strategic steps, and respond to unexpected situations. The Project Committee also meets annually with the members of the IIMCB’s International Advisory Board (IAB) who assess how the project helps achieve the strategic goals set up for IIMCB and formulates recommendations for further development. Moreover, the Project Committee is strongly supported by the Project Advisor who oversees the project from the European Commission, responds to questions and advises on the its implementation. Last but not least, the MOSaIC progress is also due to efficient IIMCB administration who helps to implement the project on daily basis.


The MOSaIC project is funded from the EU Horizon2020 programme which has its rules and requirements. These are assured by Prof. Jacek Kuźnicki, Project Coordinator and daily overseen by Dorota Libiszowska, Project Manager and Marcin Ogonowski, Financial Project Manager.