Bartosz is a postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory of RNA Biology. He graduated from the VBC International PhD Program in Vienna in 2011, where he conducted research on liver cancer using genetic and chemical mouse cancer models. From 2012 he did his first post-doc at the IIMCB in Warsaw where using Cas9 enzyme he constructed some of his own genetic models for research in developmental neuroscience. Currently he is involved in project within MOSaIC grant aiming at deciphering role of cytoplasmic mRNA polyadenylation in neurosecretion. He interested which enzymes perform cytoplasmic polyadenylation of mRNAs in the brain, which cell types exhibit this phenomenon, which exactly mRNAs are targets of cytoplasmic polyadenylation, how these targets are selected, is the process regulated and, if so, how this regulation is achieved. In his research he applies classical histology as well as modern tissue-clearing techniques for imaging of intact organs, and trascriptomics of bulk tissue and single cells. He also gets involved in other projects in the lab by supporting his colleagues with expertise in mouse histology. In return he lately receives from his lab mates extensive support and training in high-throughput sequencing data analysis and bio-computing. Among his research interests are: mRNA polyadenylation, peptide neurosecretion, histology. His interests include sports activities such as beach volleyball, ice-hockey and windsurfing.