HR professionals conduct a wide variety of tasks within a MOSaIC project. These include i.a. recruitment, on-boarding new employees, learning and development, employee and labour relations and a concern for employee well-being. In this article we present in short the most important activities carried out in 2020, by IIMCB HR Department which is responsible for the MOSaIC WP4: Structural changes for more effective implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (EU C&C) principles: 

  • preparation of an exit interview form - the procedure of exit interviews are carried out with those who have declared their willingness to leave IIMCB before the end of the current contract 
  • establishment of a Buddy Institution and preparation of a leaflet for the Buddy on how to introduce new employees 
  • preparation of welcome boxes for new employees with the information package on the most important regulations of IIMCB 
  • organization of online basic statistics course for all IIMCB employees. 
  • verification of regulations introduced, including those concerning the periodical evaluation of employees 
  • transfer of the recruitment of PhD students and continuous support of researchers in the recruitment processes 
  • preparation of a movie promoting effective conflict resolution and presenting the profiles and scope of activity of ombudsmen at the IIMCB 
  • implementation of  documents circulation by introducing the possibility of sending some of them remotely 
  • regular reporting on the pandemic situation in the institute and on the restrictions introduced on the national scale.