In order to get a better understanding of what the EU-LIFE research institutions are implementing and developing in the field of RDM, the alliance set up a dedicated task force in 2020 and ran a survey within its member institutes. Based on these insights, the task force organized a series of internal workshops focused specifically on institutional RDM policies, RDM training and the role of core facilities in RDM to share best practices and progress in design and implementation. IIMCB employees (Urszula Białek-Wyrzykowska, Deputy Director for Development and MOSaIC WP3 Leader; Agnieszka Ziemka, Chief Specialist in Scientific Coordination Unit;  Paweł Kobylarz, Head of IT Unit) participated in EU-LIFE RDM workshops and together worked on the development of good practices and recommendations to implement RDM at the institutional level. 

As a part of MOSaIC activities, the Open Access Policy including Open Access to the Publications and to Research Data was introduced in 2019 at IIMCB. The policy has been implemented to ensure access to and exchange of knowledge, facilitating broad cooperation and avoiding unnecessary repetition of work. The policy covers both instructions for open access to publications and open access to research data. It also specifies the appointment of a Data Steward and defines his role. IIMCB is currently working on developing dedicated RDM policy guidelines, procedures and tools for data providers. The model implemented at the IIMCB is one of the four examples presented in the guide.

The EU-LIFE hands-on guide summarizes the key findings from the workshops and, based on them, it brings forward recommendations to implement RDM at the institutional level. The main goal was to provide inspiration for good RDM practice. Since the organization and infrastructure are unique at each institute, there is not a single RDM model but a multitude of options from which institutes can choose. The document is available on the EU-LIFE website: A hands-on guide for Research Data Management in the Life Sciences.


The RDM activities are part of the structural changes for effective science management at IIMCB (WP3).